The SwipeSimple Reporting Dashboard Overview offers sales statistics at a glance for SwipeSimple users. It includes a date range filter which will change the calculations of the data displayed. This section will be automatically selected upon logging into SwipeSimple. Admin users will see a snapshot of all Payment Devices in their Company, whereas Member users will see a snapshot of their transactional activity.
Overview metrics include:
Total Transactions: Displays the total dollar amount of transactions taken in the date range
# Successful Transactions: Displays the total number of transactions taken in the date range
Avg Transaction: Displays the average dollar amount of transactions taken in the date range
Transaction Volume Graph by Transaction Type
- This graph shows the selected date range on the X axis and dollar amount on the Y axis.
- Transaction Type displays the value and range on the cart color coded as cash (green), swiped (light blue), dipped (dark blue), tapped (orange), and manual entry (purple). These colors or transaction types are not customizable.
Last Ten Transactions: Displays the last ten transactions taken by merchants onboarded within this reseller
Overview of Transactions: Displays a percentage breakdown of each transaction type out of total transactions taken in the date range
Credit Transactions by Card Type: Displays a percentage breakdown of each card type out of total card transactions taken in the date range.
Reporting Dashboard Navigation
From the Overview screen, users can utilize the sidebar to navigate through other SwipeSimple Reporting Dashboard products and features.
Transaction History: An overview of transactions taken with date range and additional filter options
Customers: Manage Customer Profiles, Cards on File, and other details
Item Catalog: Item and Inventory Management
Discounts: Custom discount management options
Categories: Group Items and Inventory with Categories
Favorites: Group Items and Inventory into Favorites for better workflows
Modifier Groups: Create and manage Modifier Groups for Items and Inventory with SwipeSimple Register Software
Users: View and/or manage SwipeSimple Users for your account
Reports - Batch and/or Daily Transaction
Sales: Overview of Sales by Day
Users: Overview of Sales by User
Items: Item Sales Reporting
Taxes: Sales broken down by Tax Rate
Top Customers: Report on your top customers by their spend
Expiring Cards: Identify cards on file set to expire with pending Scheduled Payments
Account Settings: Manage a variety of settings pertaining to your account configuration