Account Settings is where you go to customize the various settings that affect how your SwipeSimple functions. This article will walk you through what each of these settings does. By clicking on Account Settings you will be presented with your General settings, and further settings pages will appear in the sidebar.
This is the first view you will see when you click on Account Settings. Here you can view and edit your business details
Company Name: This field displays the company name, sometimes referred to as the DBA, associated with your SwipeSimple account. This name will be what appears at the top of receipts, payment links, and other places. To edit this name, you will need to contact your Merchant Service Provider for support.
Phone Number: This field allows you to set the phone number for your business on the account.
Reply-To Address: When you send an email from SwipeSimple, such as a receipt or an invoice, the email will be sent from If you would like for your customers to be able to respond to your emails sent from SwipeSimple, you can set your preferred email address here, and if they reply to a SwipeSimple generated email, the email will be sent to the chosen address. This email is not required to be an address associated with a SwipeSimple user.
Time Zone: This setting controls the time zone set for your SwipeSimple account.
Software Package: This field displays the software package set for your account. For details about your software package or to change it, you will need to contact your Merchant Service Provider for support.
Click on the Receipts section to customize options for your digital and paper receipts.
Digital Receipts
These settings will only affect receipts sent via text or email, or viewed in SwipeSimple. A preview of the digital receipt is displayed to the right. These settings will have no bearing on printed receipts.
Receipt Logo: This setting allows you to upload an image file to serve as a logo on digital receipts. File size must be under 500 kB. PNG transparency is not preserved on the receipt.
Header Background: This setting allows you to choose from one of eight colors to serve as the background for the top of their receipts.
Display Merchant Account Name: This checkbox will enable displaying the name of the merchant account associated with the transaction.
Display Street Address and Zip Code: This checkbox will enable displaying the full address set for the merchant account associated with the transaction. Note that city and state will always display and are not able to be disabled.
Display Reference Number: If a reference number is entered for a transaction, this checkbox will enable displaying the reference number as the last line item in the transaction details section of the digital receipt.
Header: This free-text field allows you to enter informative text that will appear on the digital receipt, between the address information and the transactions details section.
Footer: This free-text field allows you to enter informative text that will appear on the digital receipt, between the transaction total and the SwipeSimple branding footer.
Paper Receipt
These settings will only affect paper receipts.
Header: This free-text field allows you to enter informative text that will appear on the printed receipt, between the address information and the transactions details section.
Footer: This free-text field allows you to enter informative text that will appear at the bottom of the printed receipt, after the transaction total.
Default Count: This allows you to select how many receipts should be printed by default when printing a receipt. Options are 0, 1, or 2.
In Account Settings, select the Invoices section to customize the color, add a logo or customize the footer text. These changes will immediately update all invoices past and future when updating settings.
Invoice Color: This setting allows you to choose from one of eight colors to serve as the color scheme for their invoices.
Invoice Logo: This allows you to upload an image file to serve as a logo at the top of your Invoices. To upload an image, click the Upload Image button, and select an image file. The maximum file size is 500kb. For dimensions, 400x60 pixels is optimal, but if the file is larger than this, it will be resized automatically to make it fit. PNG transparency is preserved on the Invoice.
Footer Text for Invoice: This free-text field allows you to enter informative text that will appear at the bottom of their invoice, beneath the Pay Now button. This field allows basic HTML.
Preview Invoice: Click this button to see a preview of your invoice before saving your changes.
Payment Links
In Account Settings, select the Payment Links section to customize the color, add a logo or customize the footer text. These changes will immediately update all Payment Links past and future when updating settings.
Form Color: This allows you to choose from one of eight colors to serve as the color scheme for your payment link forms.
Form Logo: This allows you to upload an image file to serve as a logo at the top of your payment link forms. To upload an image, click the Upload Image button, and select an image file. The maximum file size is 500kb. For dimensions, 400x60 pixels is optimal, but if the file is larger than this, it will be resized automatically to make it fit. PNG transparency is preserved on the payment link form.
Footer Text: This free-text field allows you to enter informative text that will appear at the bottom of your payment link forms, beneath the Pay Now button. This field allows basic HTML.
Preview Form: Click this button will allow you to see a preview of your Payment Link settings before saving the changes.
Here you can manage your Daily Transaction Report emails and your SwipeSimple Terminal batch report settings.
Transaction Reports
Report Recipients: This setting will enable the emailing of Daily Transaction Reports to the selected email addresses. Email addresses must be associated with SwipeSimple users for your account.
Report Time: If your SwipeSimple account is configured to receive Daily Transaction Reports rather than Batch Reports, this sets the time at which those reports should be generated. For more information on your report time settings, you will need to contact your Merchant Service Provider for support.
Batch Reports
On Terminal Devices, Print a Batch Receipt on Batch Closure: If you wish to have a printed batch receipt when your SwipeSimple Terminal’s batches settle, check this box.
For each given checkbox, you can select email addresses to receive email alerts for the related action. Email addresses must be associated with SwipeSimple users for the account.
Each time a payment is made through a Payment Link: This is recommended for merchants who make use of Payment Links, so that you can be aware of any action needing to be taken when a payment is made.
Each time an item’s on hand count reaches zero: This is recommended for merchants that track their inventory using the item catalog.
Each time an item's on hand count reaches n or less: This is recommended for merchants that track their inventory using the item catalog and wish to be alerted for purposes of re-ordering stock or adjusting prices. n defaults to 5, but can be adjusted to your preferred value.
Each time a transaction is made send a copy of the receipt: This will email a receipt to the selected users for each transaction. Some users may like this for their own record keeping purposes.
These settings will set defaults for all devices that log into SwipeSimple. Changes will be reflected in the SwipeSimple application at next launch, and many of these settings can also be adjusted from within the SwipeSimple application.
Signature Settings: This setting determines when a transaction should prompt for digital signature: Never, Always, or only when transactions exceed $25. This monetary value is not adjustable.
Ask to Save Card on Mobile: When processing transactions in the mobile app, this setting will determine whether the application will prompt if the card being used should be saved on file for future use.
Collect Tax: This setting determines whether SwipeSimple should prompt for tax on applicable transactions.
Prompt for Tip: This setting determines whether SwipeSimple should prompt the customer for tip in transactions.
Default Tip Level 1/2/3: These fields will allow the merchant to set suggested amounts for tips when prompted. Suggested percentages will be rounded to the nearest ½ percent. Tip suggestions are not able to be disabled.
Allow Offline Mode: If there is no internet connection, this setting will allow SwipeSimple to store transaction information until internet is restored, at which time the transactions will be processed for approval or declines. Note the following caveats:
- Offline Mode is only available for the SwipeSimple mobile application
- EMV transactions are not available in Offline Mode
- There is a limit of 50 transactions per network outage
- Connection must be restored within 30 days or the transactions may be lost
Max Amount: This field sets a maximum limit on transactions performed while in Offline Mode. This can be set to 0.00 for no limit.
Interchange Settings: Turning these settings on will prompt you to enter additional details on Virtual Terminal transactions. Providing these details can potentially qualify transactions for Level II and/or Level III interchange and may result in lower transaction processing costs. Note that SwipeSimple has no control over whether the transaction will ultimately qualify for; this is decided entirely by the processor. For more information on Level II and III interchange, you will need to contact your Merchant Service Provider for support.
Checking Prompt for Level III data on potentially eligible transactions will enable more settings, detailed below:
Commodity Code: Commodity codes are a set of standardized classification codes for products and services, to detail how money is spent by organizations as required by regulations. This is a required field for all Level III transactions, to be entered when creating the transaction; this field is not required to be entered here but if done so, the commodity code will pre-populate on all potentially qualifying transactions.
Unit of Measure: This is required for each line item on a potentially qualifying transaction, and can be set per item on a transaction, but a value entered here will pre-populate on all potentially qualifying transactions.
Treat No Sales Tax as Tax Exempt: Level III transactions require a tax to be sent, unless the transaction can be considered Tax Exempt. If you process Level III-eligible transactions that are tax exempt, this will indicate as such on the transaction.
Tax Rates
In Account Settings on the SwipeSimple Dashboard, use the Tax Rates tab to view previously created tax rates and add new tax rates,
- Tax can be applied to an entire transaction at the time of the transaction
- Tax can be enabled or disabled for transactions under the Transactions tab
- Items marked non-taxable will not be taxed on transactions where tax is applied
Automatic Adjustments
If you use Automatic Adjustments as part of your Merchant Service Provider's cash discounting program, you will see the Automatic Adjustment settings here. To edit these settings, you need to contact your Merchant Service Provider for support.
If you are not enabled for Automatic Adjustments as part of your Merchant Service Provider's cash discounting program, you will not see these settings.