A920 Terminal Quick Reference Guide

Quick Reference Guide

Power up the terminal

Connect to WiFi

Select & run the BroadPOS payment application

Logging into SwipeSimple the first time

Logging into SwipeSimple after Setting a Permanent Password

Run a Sale Transaction for an Item 

Void a Sale Transaction

Refund a Sale Transaction 

Steps to ensure Auto Batching occurs

Manually batching

Post Auth Tip Adjust

Power up the terminal

  • Facing the terminal’s screen, look for the power symbol on the right side of the terminal. This is the power button for the terminal.
  • Push the “Power” button and hold for 2 to 4 seconds
  • The PAX startup screen will appear. Wait for the boot to complete.
  • On successful startup, the Android home screen will appear.

Connect to WiFi

  • From the PAX A920 terminal home screen, select the “Settings” icon.
  • You will be prompted for a password. Depending on the device firmware version, enter either 9876, pax9876, or pax9876@@ as the password and select “OK”.
  • You will be directed to the settings screen. Select Wi-Fi settings.
  • A list of available Wi-Fi networks will appear. Select one of the networks that you have access to.
  • Enter your Wi-Fi password and select “CONNECT”.
  • Upon successful authentication, the terminal will be connected to the Wi-Fi network.

Select & run the BroadPOS payment application

  • On the terminal device’s home screen, select the BroadPOS payment application. Depending on a merchant’s backend processor, this will be labelled as Omaha, TSYS Sierra, Vantiv, or RapidConnect.
  • Once selected, you will be taken to the BroadPOS home screen.
  • Tap the circle icon at the bottom of the screen to enable the BroadPOS payment application to run in the background.

Logging into SwipeSimple the first time

  • On the terminal device home screen, select the “SwipeSimple” icon to be taken to the ​​login screen.
  • Enter the email address associated with your SwipeSimple merchant account and your password. You may have a  temporary password provided to you in your SwipeSimple Welcome Email. 
  • If this is your first time logging into SwipeSimple you will be prompted to set a new password. Upon selecting a permanent password, you will be redirected to the New Charge screen.

Run a sale transaction for an item 

  • After logging into the SwipeSimple application, you will see the New Charge screen.
  • Adding items to your cart:
    • To add a Quick Item to your cart, select the “Quick Item” tab just above the keypad and key in a dollar amount on the touch screen (select the plus (+) button on the bottom left to add additional Quick Items).
    • To add a saved item from your Item Catalog, select the “Items” tab and choose an item(s) from your list.
    • Select the “Cart” tab to review or modify the items in your cart.
  • Select the Checkout button.
  • Select “Card” or “Cash” as the method of payment.
  • When selecting “Card”: Tap, dip or swipe the card on the PAX A920 hardware terminal. The app will show a “PROCESSING” screen. Upon successful charge, the user is prompted to “REMOVE CARD”, and will be presented with an Approval screen with options to print/email/text receipt or view additional transaction details..
  • When selecting “Cash”: Select a Tendered Amount. The app will show a “PROCESSING” screen. Next, the user is presented with a Change Due screen with options to print/email/text receipt or view additional transaction details.

Void a Sale Transaction

  • In the SwipeSimple app, select the side menu button from the upper left corner.
  • Select the “Transaction History” option.
  • A list of all transactions conducted on the terminal shows up.
  • Select the sale transaction to be voided.
  • Select the “Void” button to void the transaction.
  • Confirm the action by tapping “Void”.

Refund a Sale Transaction 

  • The card must be present or card details available to key for refunds
  • In the SwipeSimple app, select the side menu button from the upper left corner and select the “Transaction History” option.
  • Tap on the transaction you would like to refund.
  • Tap on the refund button.
  • Select the amount you would like to refund.
  • Tap confirm.
  • Insert the card used in the original transaction or key in the card details.

Read more here: Processing a Refund on SwipeSimple Terminal

Steps to ensure Auto Batching occurs

  • In the SwipeSimple app, select the side menu button from the upper left corner.
  • Select the Current Batch button from the menu.
  • Select the “Close Batch” option in the top right to close the batch.

Depending on your settings selection, the terminal will print out the batch report.

Manually batching

  • In the SwipeSimple app, select the side menu button from the upper left corner.
  • Select the Current Batch button from the menu.
  • Select the “Close Batch” option in the top right to close the batch.
  • Depending on your settings selection, the terminal will print out the batch report.

Read more here: How to Manually Batch

Post Auth Tip Adjust

  • In the SwipeSimple app, select the side menu button from the upper left corner.
  • Select the Current Batch button from the menu.
  • Tap on the transaction that you wish to add the tip to.
  • Add tip amount to the TIP field.
  • Select SAVE & CLOSE to exit or SAVE & NEXT to move to the next transaction in the batch.

Read more here: Post-Auth Tip Adjust

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