Application Navigation: SwipeSimple on PAX A920 and A920Pro

Initial Login and General Navigation

Using your credentials, log into the SwipeSimple Mobile App.

After a successful login, the app starts in the New Charge section. To switch to another view tap the sidebar menu button (three horizontal lines) in the upper left hand corner. This will open up a sidebar menu with the following sections:

New Charge

Account Overview

Transaction History

Current Batch

Item Catalog


To navigate to one of these sections, just tap the name of the section. Besides tapping on the sidebar menu button, users can swipe from the left hand side to open the menu.

Taking a Card Payment

  1. New Charge: Enter Quick Item or Item Catalog Items, select Checkout. 
  2. Tap, Dip, or Swipe Card when prompted.
  3. Select ‘Receipt’ to print or send a digital receipt. 
  4. Select ‘Close’ to return to the New Charge screen.

Detailed Overview

In the New Charge screen, users will find tab navigation across the top of the keypad for adding transaction details.

  • The ‘Quick Item’ tab will present a keypad to select a dollar amount. Multiple Quick Items may be added to the cart using the ‘+’ icon in the lower left-hand corner of the keypad. 
  • Items from the Item Catalog may be added by selecting the ‘Items’ tab. Tap on an item from the list to add it to the Cart.
  • The Cart may be reviewed, modified or cleared from the Cart tab. 

When ready to complete a transaction, users will tap on the ‘Checkout’ button. A screen asking to select a payment method will appear. After selecting ‘Card’ as the method of payment, SwipeSimple will prompt ‘Tap, Dip, or Swipe’. Merchants who accept tips during the sales flow will then be presented with a tip screen. 

Once a transaction has been processed with a card, the transaction results are displayed. Select ‘Receipt’ for a prompt to print a receipt, or enter an email address or phone number to send a digital receipt to the cardholder. You may opt to print a receipt and send a digital receipt by interacting with the Receipt button more than once. Merchants who accept tips on receipt  will print a receipt with tip options and a signature line. Paper receipt settings can be customized to print up to two receipts automatically after every transaction.

Sidebar Sections and Navigation

Account Overview

This screen will display a snapshot report of charges that have been processed on the terminal device. A dropdown menu offers three options for the date range: current day, 7 days, and 30 days. For the selected timeframe, this Overview section will contain details such as total dollar amount, the total number of successful transactions, the average dollar amount of all charges, as well as dollar amount totals for both tax and tips.

Transaction History

Select ‘Transaction History’ to view and manage transactions, including issuing voids and refunds. The Transaction History in the SwipeSimple application will display a scrollable and searchable list of all transactions taken on your terminal. Transactions will be grouped by date and will display an icon verifying the transaction’s status (approved, refunded, voided, or errored), a timestamp, the last four digits of the card number, card type, and transaction total. Tapping on a transaction will navigate to the selected transaction’s detail screen. Along with being able to review transaction specific details, users may print or send a receipt via text or email, as well as issue a Void or Refund. If the void option is not displayed, the transaction can no longer be voided.

Current Batch

Select ‘Current Batch’ for a detailed view of all transactions that are still pending settlement. The header will display the terminal’s automatic batch closing time, the number of transactions in the batch, and the current dollar amount total. For merchants that accept tips, this section will also show either a pre-tip subtotal, total of tips, and net total or allow for post authorization tip adjustment. Tap on a transaction in the Current Batch to enter post authorization tips. A batch may be closed manually from this window at any time by tapping the ‘Close Batch’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Item Catalog

Users can manage their Items, Categories and Discounts by selecting ‘Item Catalog’. Merchants can edit an existing Item, Category, or Discount by tapping their respective menu selection, and they can also create new Items, Categories, or Discounts by tapping the ‘+’ button in the lower right-hand corner.


The Settings section of the SwipeSimple Application will display a selection of the merchant’s Account Settings that can be managed from the PAX terminal, as well as resources and reference information. The first section titled ‘Point of Sale’ will display and manage the selected Payment Device as it has been onboarded.  Other settings options include managing the number of receipts that print after a transaction, as well as tax and tip settings. Selecting ‘Sales Tax’ will present a screen for enabling or disabling tax collection, and managing Tax Rates. The Tip section also allows for tip prompts to be enabled or disabled, and for managing the recommended default tip percentages. Below this section are resources for SwipeSimple merchants for who and how to reach product support, including a link to our extensive Support Center.

Log Out

At the bottom of the SwipeSimple sidebar, users will find a logout button which will return the SwipeSimple application window to the login screen to begin a new user session.

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