Creating Customer Profiles
Easily create a customer profile from the Customers overview page on the dashboard or at the point-of-sale, both on the Virtual Terminal and mobile app.
To create a new customer profile manually, click on Add New Customer located on the top-right of the Customers overview page and input the following details: Only customer name is a required field.
- Customer Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Phone
Click on Create Customer to create a customer profile.
Click on Import Customers to import a customer list using a CSV file.
Editing and Deleting Customer Profiles
Access Using Quick Links from the Customers Overview Page
Access and modify, or remove customers profiles easily from the Customers overview page by using the Edit and Delete links in the Actions column on the right.
Access from the Customer Profile Page
To edit or delete customer information from the customer profile page, click on Edit Customer or Delete Customer located in the top-right of the page.
Edit Customers’ Personal Information or Delete Customers
Update or modify your customers information including Customer Name, Email, Address, and Phone. Click on Save Changes to save your edit(s).
Deleting a customer profile removes the customer from your customers list, and removes their details and all stored credit cards.
Note that a customer cannot be deleted if they have an outstanding Scheduled Payment or unpaid Invoice.