Notifications for Scheduled Payments

Notifications for Approved Transactions

For all approved scheduled payments, your customers will receive a receipt via email notifying them of the charge that was made to their credit card. Please note: you must add an email address to the customer's profile to ensure they receive these receipts.

To receive an email notification for all approved transactions as well:

  1. Go to your Account Settings on the dashboard
  2. Click on the Receipts tab
  3. Input the email address(es) which you would like the receipt to be sent to
  4. Click Update Settings to save changes

Approved scheduled payments will be displayed and can be accessed from Transactions page or the Transactions tab of the customer profile.


Notifications for Declined/Error Transactions


For all declined/error scheduled payments, an email notification will be sent to all users with Admin access. To view the list of users with Admin access, go to Users on your dashboard. 

Here are the three ways to retry a failed transaction: 

  1. Go to the customer profile of the failed transaction and click New charge to create a sale
  2. Try updating the stored credit card information
  3. Go to the Virtual Terminal and manually re-run the card on file

Declined/errored scheduled payments will not affect future scheduled payments. SwipeSimple will still attempt to charge your customers' stored credit cards at the next payment interval. If you need to collect the funds from the missed scheduled payment, you'll need to run a manual transaction to collect the unpaid amount. 

Declined/error scheduled payments will be displayed and can be accessed from Transactions page, and the Transactions section on the customer profile page.

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