The Quick Item feature allows users to quickly process a payment for a product that is not currently in their item catalog.
Add Quick Item
Enter the amount of the item for the transaction using the number pad that appears once you log into SwipeSimple. If you have more than one item, you can tap the "+" sign at the bottom left of the screen to put the first Quick Item in the cart which will allow you to create additional items.
To collect sales tax on your Quick Item, merchants must have a tax rate configured on their account, with both Collect Tax and Quick Item Tax enabled. This is managed on the SwipeSimple Dashboard within Account Settings. Merchants can also enable Collect Tax and create tax rates from the SwipeSimple menu on the mobile application. Click on Settings > Sales tax to edit tax rates and toggle Collect Tax on.
For users with a single tax rate added, the total value will be updated to reflect sales tax. If a user has multiple tax rates added, they will be prompted to choose which one to apply during the checkout process.
View totals
When a Quick Item is added, the total of the transaction will display above, including the subtotal. When adding additional Quick Items with the + the total will reflect these changes with the current sale amount entered.
Review the Cart or process the sale
To review the transaction details prior to checkout, tap the Cart button or click the Checkout button at the bottom of the screen to begin the sale immediately. Choose the payment method, card or cash.
For card transactions, connect a card reader or tap Keyed Entry on the next screen to process the sale. Keyed transactions require card number and expiration date. Once the sale has been processed, you will see the transaction results screen. Tap receipt to send a customer a receipt via email or SMS.